Our office address has been changed since 27th Sep. 2020.
Please refer to the “About us” page for new address.
All of the pages on our website have been securely connected by HTTPS protocol.
製品の意匠デザインを行うアライアンスパートナーとの協業を開始しました。この協業により、ハードウエア製品開発コンサルテーションサービスが、コンセプト立案~意匠デザイン~設計~量産 まで一気通貫で行える体制となりました。
We started collaboration work with new alliance partner which specialize for Industrial Design of hardware product. This partnership would bring us full consultation service related hardware product development process from concept creation to mass production of product.
We renewed our homepage with English description in order to adapt the clients who use English.