Hardware product development
Test / experiment activities for design verification, product validation and reliability assessment
- Creation of product requirement and test specification by considering product function / features, usage environment and condition (use case)
- Development of verification test method for new technology element / components
- Planning verification / validation test, Reliability test
- Defining verification / validation item, schedule planning, selection test facility / equipment, selecting external test lab.
- Planning, developing and defining specifications of product specific test systems / equipment
- Design of specific jigs, adapters and interface for product test
- Statistical data analysis – Measurement data,Reliability test data
- Interpretation of technical documents – Japanese⇔English (Native check is available if required)
Product industrial design (by our alliance partners)
- Artwork creation of product concept
- 3D model creation, mock-up creation
- Selection of Color / Material / Decoration
- Product logo creation
Mechanical design (partially by our alliance partners)
- Design enclosure and mechanisms by considering product concept and productivity of mass production
- 2D /3D CAD data creation
- Prototype creation by using 3D printing machine
- Supplier selection and management of parts, modules and final assemblies for prototype and mass production
- Purchasing management of prototype parts and product assembly
Technical Regulations Conformity Certification System of wireless devices (partially by our alliance partners)
- Support for Conformity certification for the markets of Japanese and overseas
IoT system
- Selecting proper sensor device for specific purposes, planning and developing control device
- System prototype creation
Automation system development
- Planning, developing and creating specification of automatic control system / measurement system for R&D related equipment and facilities
Business process management (BPM)
- New BP creation
- Optimization and improvement (KAIZEN) of current BP
- Process KPI selection and considering monitoring method
- Considering improvement method based on data driven PDCA